Implicit Grant Type

Attention: Implicit grant is applicable for apps without servers, if your app has a server, it’s recommended to use authorization code grant type.

1. Getting Access Token

request url:
request method:   GET
request params:
name required type description
client_id yes long allocated ​APP ID​ during app requests
redirect_uri yes string request redirect url, should be the same as the one in allocated APP ID (other data may be different)
response_type yes string description of response type, response_type=token
scope optional string data required for getting scope permissions, multiple applications allowed (separated by a space), see scope permission list
state optional string used for maintaining correspondence with request and callback, given to a third party after the request is successful, used for preventing CSRF attacks, and strongly recommended for use by third parties
skip_confirm optional boolean the signed in user will see a page for switching accounts, if this is not required by the app, you can add skip_confirm=true, Yellow Pages app should be set as true
response data:

Once permission request is successful, the server will give the user’s browser a redirect url with access_token, token_type, expires_in, mac_algorithm, mac_key, state, etc.:

response data detail:

name required type description
access_token yes string required access token
expires_in yes string validity period of access token in seconds, see Token Life Cycle
scope yes string scope of access token, see ​scope permissions​ list
mac_key yes string MAC key required for interactions between HTTP and Open API, validity period same as that of access token
mac_algorithm yes string Algorithm used for for interactions between HTTP and Open API and digital signatures, currently supports HmacSha1
state optional string If the data is passed during the request, the same data will be returned

Once permission request is unsuccessful, the server will give the user’s browser a redirect url with error, error_description, state, etc.:
name required type description
error yes int oauth error code list
error_description yes string simple error description
state optional string if the data is passed during the request, the same data will be returned