Xiaomi Open API

1. Getting User’s Profile

request url:   https://open.account.xiaomi.com/user/profile
request method:   GET
request scope:   1
request params:
name required type description
clientId yes long allocated ​APP ID​ during app requests
token yes string access token received by client, after the user gives access
response data:
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "success",
  "data": {
            "miliaoNick": "xiaomi user nickname",
            "unionId": "xiaomi user uniquely identify within all of your APP scope",
            "miliaoIcon": "profile pic url (several resolutions)"
  "code": 0
   "result": "error",
   "description": "error description",
   "code": "error code"

2. Getting User’s OpenId

request url:   https://open.account.xiaomi.com/user/openidV2
request method:   GET
request scope:   3
request params:
name required type description
clientId yes long allocated ​APP ID​ during app requests
token yes string access token received by client, after the user gives access
response data:
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "success",
  "data": {
             "openid": "openid"
  "code": 0
   "result": "error",
   "description": "error description",
   "code": "error code"

3. Getting User’s Phone Number and Email Address

request url:   https://open.account.xiaomi.com/user/phoneAndEmail
request method:   GET
request scope:   4 and 6
request params:
name required type description
clientId yes long allocated ​APP ID​ during app requests
token yes string access token received by client, after the user gives access
response data:
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "success",
  "data": {
              "phone": "user’s phone number, returned empty in case of abscence",
              "email":  "user’s email address, returned empty in case of abscence"
  "code": 0
   "result": "error",
   "description": "error description",
   "code": "error code"

4. Get User’s MiChat Friend List

request url:   https://open.account.xiaomi.com/user/relation
request method:   GET
request scope:   2
request params:
name required type description
clientId yes long allocated ​APP ID​ during app requests
token yes string access token received by client, after the user gives access
response data:
  "result": "ok",
  "description": "success",
  "data": {
            "friends": "friend list"
  "code": 0
   "result": "error",
   "description": "error description",
   "code": "error code"

5. Verificate User’s Password

request url:   https://open.account.xiaomi.com/checkPassword
request method:   GET
request params:
name required type description
clientId yes long allocated ​APP ID​ during app requests
xmUserId yes long user id, acquired through user/profile
callback yes string full url which starts with http or https and is in the same domain as the redirect url, for notifying about password verification results get request type must be used
response data:

If the request was successful, the server will send a callback to the user’s browser and add xmResult_xmNonce, _xmSign, code, xmUserId, etc.

name type description
xmResult boolean true: verification successful, false or no data: verification error
_xmNonce string composed of a random number and timestamp, format: random number:current minutes (from 00:00 January 1, 1970)
_xmSign string response to make sure it wasn’t altered
code string new authorization code which can be used by third party for replacing access token (in places with higher security standards access token can be used again to get user id)
xmUserId long actual account verified by Xiaomi (not always coming from a third party), may be maliciously tamper with

NOTE: Third parties must verify _xmSign which comes in callback, otherwise responsibility for any loss or damage will be borne by the respective third parties.