Refresh Access Token

Attention: A refresh token can only refresh the access token once, and we will issue a new refresh token after issuing new access token.

1. Refresh access token by refresh token

request url:
request method:  GET
Request rate limiting: 5000/seconeds
request params:
name required type description
client_id yes long allocated ​APP ID​ during app requests
redirect_uri yes string request redirect url, should be the same as the one in allocated APP ID (other data may be different)
client_secret yes string allocated APP Secret during app request
grant_type yes string grant_type = refresh_token
refresh_token yes string issued by server when request authorization by authorization code model
response data:

Once the request is accepted, the server will return strings in json format:

  1. access_token: access token required to obtain
  2. expires_in: access token’s validity period in seconds, see Token Life Cycle
  3. refresh_token: refresh token, all apps return this data (valid for 10 years)
  4. scope: scope of access token, see scope permission​ list
  5. mac_key: MAC key required for interactions between HTTP and Open API, validity period same as that of access token
  6. mac_algorithm: algorithm used for for interactions between HTTP and Open API and digital signatures, currently supports HmacSha1
  7. openId: user’s openId, can be stored by the website or app for verifying the user when they sign in next time
  "access_token": "access token value",
  "expires_in": 360000,
  "refresh_token": "refresh token value",
  "scope": "scope value",
  "token_type ": "mac",
  "mac_key ": "mac key value",
  "mac_algorithm": " HmacSha1",

NOTE: &&&​START​&&& can be deleted directly, preferably via replace("&&&START&&&", "")

Once the request is denied, the server will return strings in json format:

  1. error:error code, int number, see ​oauth error code list
  2. error_description:text describe the error
  "error": "error_code",
  "error_description": "error description"

NOTE: &&&​START​&&& can be deleted directly, preferably via replace("&&&START&&&", "")